2012 Conference
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Session 1: John Plantz - Who is God?
Session 2: Art Sadlier - Israel’s Past Wars
Session 3: Charles Clough - Paul and the Pagans
Session 4: Art Sadlier - Israel’s Next War
Session 5: Carl Teichrib - Man as God: Living the First Lie
Session 6: Carl Teichrib - Power in Unity
Session 7: Art Sadlier - Israel’s War with Russia and Iran
Session 8: Charles Clough - How and Why Paganism Must Pervert History
Session 9: Art Sadlier - Israel’s Last War
Session 10: Charles Clough - How and Why Religious Exclusivism Began With Abraham and Continues With Jesus Christ
Session 11: Carl Teichrib - Techno-Gods: Engineering the Evolving Man
Session 12: Charles Clough - Christ’s Coming Overthrow of World Paganism
Session 13: Carl Teichrib - The Fear of The Lord: A Missing Ingredient