A Brief Look at the History of
the Last Days Bible Conference
In response to church trends placing less emphasis on biblical teaching and confusion regarding biblical prophecy, a small group of concerned Bible-believing Christians formed the Last Days Bible Conference Association in late 2002, with the generous organizational assistance of the Winnipeg Prophecy Conference. A flurry of activity during the first year resulted in formation of the association, achieving charitable donations status from Revenue Canada, developing the LDBC website, and organizing the first conference.
The first conference was held at the Blackfoot Inn during the blizzard of April 2003. Despite early morning electrical brown-outs, no power outage occurred while the conference was underway. A carload of determined fellows left the Red Deer area early Saturday morning, persisted through the blizzard and arrived at the conference in the late afternoon to join approximately 70 others who had braved the weather to attend. God’s protection was evident!
From the beginning, the Association has relied on God. As long as He supplied the resources, the committee would plan and execute the annual conference. No fee is charged for attendance; God has supplied funds through free-will offerings since the beginning.
After seven years at the hotel, the Monterey Park Evangelical Church welcomed the conference to their facility for two years, helping the committee pare down costs. With a great working relationship with the church, the Last Days Bible Conference Association was sad to move on, but more space was required. For the tenth anniversary, the conference moved to the Calgary Marlborough Community Association facility.
By 2006, all conference sessions were being posted on the website. Since 2010, the committee has chosen a yearly missions project to support with any funds over and above operating costs for the conference.
At the annual conference occurring the last Friday & Saturday in April, knowledgeable speakers share their insights into God’s Word and how it relates to living a biblical Christian testimony in this current age. Speakers have covered doctrine, apologetics (keeping watch on events outside the church), and polemics (keeping tabs on happenings inside the church), with topics relating to cults, creation, current events and trends in the world, and recent movements in the churches. Each year, the committee prayerfully chooses the theme and watches in amazement as God orchestrates the messages presented by the speakers.
Previous conference downloads are available on the LDBC website and are being accessed from around the globe. Some video as well as audio sessions are obtainable. The association provides these resources at no cost to equip pastors and all believers to serve in their congregations with added knowledge and understanding. The committee is grateful to God for the opportunities He gives to encourage, educate and edify fellow believers worldwide.